Blog Entries

How to Choose Appealing Topics
for Blog Entries
When composing any blog entries you always want to
strive for making the content useful in some way to the
readers. Remember that all popular blogs got that way
due to the fact that the content was appealing to the
people who viewed it. With that said it is always wise to
keep the blog reader foremost in your mind when
composing any entries.

You need to consider what is of interest or concern to them
and how can you address this in your blog posting.

Keeping your readers interest at heart here are 5
'avenues of thought' you can explore to create a post
that will intrigue them.

Latest News

Learn to keep your eyes open for any news that is of
relevance to your site and therefore may be of interest to
readers. Whether you are reporting news or perhaps
sharing your insight on it your blog posting should focus
on presenting it in a way that will intrigue your visitors.


Since you know what is of interest to the blog reader you
can present content that targets teaching them a talent
or skill within their field. It can simply be a shortcut you
may have discovered or perhaps even a new resource.
It can even be a reply to a question left on the site which
is all the better.


Humor is like a universal language that can be used with
almost everybody and usually is received in a positive
manner. The best thing about using humor is it does
not need to be relevant to the theme of your site.

Who out there can not benefit from a good laugh?

Product Review

Some of the most popular blogs focus primarily on giving
their readers product reviews that are relevant to their
areas of interest. Researching and critiquing products or
services helps save the readers time and also strengthens
their loyalty to your site.

The trust and loyalty you develop here can be very useful
for marketing purposes online!


Offering advice on a particular subject is a great way to
open up a discussion on your site. Some may have
additional information to contribute whereas others may
offer constructive criticism on your advice. In either
case you are getting readers to become more interactive
which is something that everybody benefits from and
enjoys. Remember that blogs are socially oriented and
that is the root of their popularity with readers.

The blog entries you compose should always target the
interest of your readers since it is their loyalty that can
create popular blogs. Although the blog reader will not
always indicate their preferences it is up to you to
consider what it is that is of interest to them. The 5
suggestions discussed above are likely areas that
readers would find appealing and directions you can
pursue when considering topics for your blog posting.

Online Printing

Proper Online Printing Design Habits

When you plan on doing online printing for your materials,
there are a few things you must take in consideration
and probably change in your design habits. Keep in mind
that since there will not be real physical or face to face
contact with the printing company, you must practice
proper online printing design habits to prevent any
misunderstandings or mistakes that might happen.

Luckily for you, I have here just the guide for people who
want to do their online printing correctly. Below are a few
proper design habits that are ideal when working with an
online printing company.

1. Use their layouts or templates when possible. One of
the best habits you can adapt when working with an
online printing company is to use their printing templates.
Usually most online printers provide their customers with
printing templates that have been already set for their
printing process. This makes the whole printing process
easier since the dimensions and other settings are
standardized. You just need to add your design to the
template and printing should happen quite easily. So
check if your printing company has free printing
templates you can download.

2. Always use high resolution images. Another important
habit for online printing is to use high resolution images
in all prints. With the online environment as open as it is,
it is hard to refrain from using low resolution web images
for your designs. However, you must always avoid this
temptation and use only high resolution images. Only high
resolution images will come out clear and right when you
put it through the online printing process. So if you
really want professional looking prints, you got to use
high-res images.

3. Check your content and design thoroughly. It is also
an important habit to always check your content and
design thoroughly. Since you will be doing all your
transactions online, you should always be sure that
your content and design are spotless when you send
it over to the online printing company. There is no
turning back once you send your designs, so make
sure you check everything. Try to check your designs
three times if you can, with the other two times done
by other people. This should help you maintain good
quality prints for online printing.

4. Send out the document file as well as an image file.
Now, when you are sending your designs for printing,
it is good practice to always send your document draft
file and an image file as backup. The document file
should be the base file from your desktop publishing
application such as Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign
or even Adobe Photoshop. This is the prime document
that online printers want to use since they can still edit
certain elements before printing. The image format can
serve as a good backup just in case the document file
gets messed up or corrupted.

With the above-mentioned good habits necessary for
online printing, you should have little trouble with your
online prints.

Online Gift Shops

The Best About Online Gift Shops
For Filipinos
What is the best way to send some gifts back to the
Philippines? Is with with the use of packages or with
the use of Philippine online gift shops? Unlike in the
past in which sending packages is the only way to
send gifts back to the Philippines, the use of online
shops have allowed overseas Filipinos to quickly and
conveniently send gifts back to their loved ones in the
Philippines. So what are the advantage of using online
gift shops?


Any online establishments are known for their convenience.
Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day,
and many consumers have Internet access both at
work and at home. A visit to a conventional retail store
requires travel and must take place during business hours.
Searching or browsing an online catalog can be faster
than browsing the aisles of a physical store. For overseas
Filipinos, online gift shops provided them with a new way
to send gifts back to the Philippines.

Because of its convenience, Filipinos could easily send gifts
to the Philippines without the effort of organizing a package.
Another is that most online gift shops are known for their
own gift delivery Philippines which is why it became
convenient for Filipinos to send gifts via online gift shops.

Wider choices of gifts

Other than apparel, toys, and electronics that overseas
Filipinos usually send through packages, online gift
shops are known to offer a wider choice of gift items.
Other than the usual gift items, most online gift shops
in the Philippines offer items such as flowers and foods
which are usually not possible to send through the use
of packages.

Other than an online gift shop, online flower shops have
also been very popular for many overseas Filipinos.
Online flower shops such as Myflowershop are some
of the most popular online establishments for many
overseas Filipinos. Not only do these online flower shops
offer the widest collection of flowers, but they have also
allowed Filipinos to easily send flowers to their loved
ones with the use of their gift delivery Philippines services.

Speed of delivery

Another popular advantage of using online gift shops are
its quick delivery services. Although sending a package
could now take less than 24 hours, typically because of
new courier services, these method would only suffice if
the package is small enough.

Typical packages sent by overseas Filipinos are large,
able to accommodate a number of gift items as well as
many other things. However, using these boxes would
usually have to be transported through container ships
which would take several weeks as well as the lack of a
solid delivery date. With online gift shops, gifts and other
stuff could easily be sent within 2 to 5 working days,
depending on the location as well as the items to be

Another advantage is that most of these online gift
shops may provide fast gift delivery Philippines services
so customers are assured that their gifts would arrive
on time.

The Link Between Planning & Doing

The Link Between Planning & Doing

If you have read the preceding articles in this section on
strategic planning, YOU will have a sense that strategic
planning involves more than getting together for one
day a yearto develop a strategic planning document.
Strategic planning is both a logical, rational process,
and a process that involves people. It takes more than
developing a plan for that plan to be implemented. In
this article, we consider that the critical link between
planning and doing is leadership.

Traditional Planning Methods

The traditional way for government organizations to plan

is for a group of people, usually executives/management,

but sometimes including employees, to get together for

some period of time each year. Generally, inadequate

time is allocated to the exercise, but if it is completed,

it results in a document that contains a mission statement,

broad organizational goals, and other elements as is

deemed appropriate. Then, the plan is usually hidden

away somewhere, never to be seen again. Traditional

methods yield traditional results. As a wise man once said

"If you keep doing what you have been doing, you will get

what you have always got".

It needn't be this way.

Reconceptualizing Strategic Planning

Planning should be considered as a blueprint for change.

The plan should be the basis for introducing controlled

change into an organization so it can adapt to changing

times. By anticipating shifting demands, the plan serves

the purpose of allowing the organization to control its

own direction, rather than waiting until political forces

demand change (and demand change NOW). In addition,

the plan allows for consistent monitorin~ofsuccess,~nd

re-examination of the degree to which organizational

resources should be structured and allocated to achieve

future goals.

But, if we look at strategic planning in this light, as a

blueprint for change, we also need to consider that any

organization has built-in inertia.. the tendency to keep on

doing what one has been doing. On its own, the strategic

planning process, as traditionally undertaken, is insufficient

to overcome this inertia. Other forces need to come into

play if the plan, and proposed changes get implemented.

Debt Settlement Ways

The Ways Debt Settlement Will
Affect Your Credit

As economic pressure rises, mounting debt is
becoming more and more a part of the life of a lot
of people. When you face increasing difficulty in
paying your debt, debt settlement is one of the
options that are suggested to you. It might seem
like a good way to cut off your debt problems,
your debts are reduced the pressure is gone and
you have more money to spend. Right, but did
anyone tell you the effect debt settlement will
have on your credit score? Read on to learn the

You might have been told that debt settlement is
the simple process of negotiating with your creditors
for a reduction of your debts. You contact a debt
settlement company; give them the names of the
creditors and the amount you owe. The company
discusses with your creditors, get your debts
reduced and you are left with a lower monthly
payment which you pay through the debt settlement
company. Sounds real fine but that's not the full

It takes time for the debt settlement company to
negotiate with your creditors. During this period,
you will stop payments and this will appear on
your credit report. The creditor will update your
credit report to reflect that you have paid the account
and also include that you paid less than the amount
that was initially agreed. This report has a negative
effect on your future credit applications.

The first 1-3 payments you make goes into the
settlement company's pocket for fees causing
further delay. Also when your creditors agree to
write off a percentage of your debt you might not
be able to pay the difference at once. The debt
settlement company collects money from you
monthly until the balance is reached. At that time,
the settlement company would pay off the credit
card. All this period you are not making payments
and it appears on your credit report.

Late and missed payments are reported to the
credit bureaus, your credit score drops, and you
might start receiving collection calls. The negative
remarks will remain on your credit report for up
to seven years. You will have difficulty getting
credit at favorable terms until you have new positive
information on you report. It can also affect your
chances of employment. Also forgiven debt is
treated by the IRS as income and you have
to pay tax on it.

Settled debt is recorded as "Charged-Off Settled"
Or "Paid-Settled”.” Paid” is one of best account
listings that you can receive after a debt settlement.
It has a neutral effect on your credit report or score.
But if accompanied by other information such as
“Paid Repossession” or “Collection”, it will have
negative affects.

This is how to make debt settlement work for you.
Ask the creditor to delete the item from your credit
report after a settlement is reached. If they refuse ,
you can ask for them to make a 'paid' listing that
will not negatively affect your credit.