Employee Trainer Business

Business Employee Trainer Marketing Plan

College Knowledge Centre
by Elizabeth Walker

Marketing Vision

The financial goal for the fiscal year is to generate measurable $1.5MM in gross revenue and deliver $130K in pre-tax profit.

Depending on the state of the economy, we should then be in a position to generate $2MM in gross revenue and deliver $600k in profit by the end of the following year.

We will position the organization as a recognized brand that presents little risk, the destination and centre of excellence for the Small Business sector and the single source of skills training and business knowledge for manufacturing, large enterprise and municipal governments.

We will implement an integrated turnaround program to become a market-driven organization: establishing performance metrics, repositioning, reorganizing, upgrading physical plant and equipment, creating strategic relationships, developing wanted and needed programs, adjusting pricing, attracting the best trainers and facilitators and executing a marketing communications program.