Physical Fitness Prevents Atherosclerosis

Physical fitness and activity such as sports, daily activities and even the running on a treadmill which done regularly can prevent atherosclerosis (heap of fat in the blood vessel wall). This is evident from an autopsy Boston marathon champion seven times, Clarence deMar, which shows the size of coronary blood vessel two to three times normal size and did not find any stenosis (constriction of blood vessel) even though a significant death in the age of 69 years. Physical fitness has benefit effect on reducing risk of atherosclerosis.Relationship...

Cardio Fitness Can Save Your Life

Cardio Fitness Can Save Your Life is a readable analysis of new findings from scientific research on exercise especially cardio fitness that reveal its even larger importance to health, and how we can exercise much more efficiently for a longer and more enjoyable life.We are told incessantly that we should exercise, buy not accurately how we need to...

You Can Walk to Fitness

"Start Walking to gain your fitness!" Internationally competitive athlete and fitness models, Rachel Armstrong give us that good suggestion. He has created an easy-to-follow program for walking your way to better health and fitness. Walking is perfect for anyone looking to lower blood pressure, increase cardiovascular fitness and bone density, assist...

Fitness After 40: How to Stay Strong at Any Age

Fitness After 40 is one of the undeniable facts of life. After we reach a certain age, our bodies change. No matter how fit we may have been at 20, we are very different people after 40. But growing older doesn’t have to diminish our fitness level. The good news is that not only can we retain the vigor of our youth, we can actually perform as well,...