Professional Beggars

Thailand's beggars has revealed a business built on children trafficked from Cambodia and Burma, who make nothing from their takings and are sometimes beaten. The brokers get the children from poor families in the border regions by buying, renting or kidnapping them. Hundreds of these children have been rescued and rehabilitated. Before a child is sent home, non-government organisations and the ministry evaluate the family first to ensure the families will not sell the children again. In July 2005, the Royal Thai Police set up a division...

Forex Help

For the last three decades Foreign Exchange market, - briefly Forex or FX, had integrated into the world's biggest financial market. The volume of daily transactions is about 1-3 trillion of US dollars. The trading instruments on this market are the currencies of different countries, so the fluctuation of currency's rates allows to gain a real profit. Of course monetary assets of different countries ...