Advanced Fitness Assessment And Exercise Prescription


The fifth edition Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription provides a comprehensive and sophisticated approach to physical fitness assessment and exercise prescription. No new information, expanded chapters, and a sequence of the ancillary materials, this text will serve as a unique resource for students and professionals.

Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Fifth Edition, provides a very balanced approach to the assessment of physical fitness and planning exercise programs, which deal with cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular fitness, body weight and composition, and flexibility. Two chapters are devoted to each of these fitness components, as follows: The second review, which is followed by another to use a prescription.

The text is reflective updates to a seventh edition ACSM's guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, and it has been expanded to include new or updated information in the following areas: • Maximal and submaximal graded exercise testing in healthy populations, including the treadmill and cycle ergometer ramp protocols • muscular fitness testing protocols the norms and standards for children and adults • Field tests and standards for evaluating cardiorespiratory fitness, functional strength and flexibility of older people • Guidelines for the developing periodized resistance training programs for novice, intermediate and advanced lifters • Physical activity and physical activity recommendations for health benefits, weight loss and weight maintenance

Both students and professionals will benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach is used in this book. It synthesizes the concepts, principles and theories based on research into exercise physiology, Kinesiology, measuring, psychology and nutrition to provide a direct and clear approach to physical fitness assessment and exercise prescription. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Fifth Edition, includes a pedagogical tools, such as key issues at the beginning of each chapter, key points, review questions, and the key concepts. In addition, the text includes a range of ancillary instruments: The instructor's guide, as the previous edition, and two new tools, including the experimental package and presentation package. All three ancillaries are offered through the network's convenient for the product Web site. These spin-offs will greatly aid the teaching and create a richer educational experience.

You can add material, this text is packed with supplemental online course Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment and Prescription. The course will work with the text to bridge the gap between research and practice, which will provide comprehensive and sophisticated approach to physical fitness testing and exercise prescription. Online course, a component helps readers to test and assess the cardiorespiratory fitness in normal adults, and planning to use programs that meet their individual requirements and abilities. Readers will assume the role of the recently hired fitness trainer and interact with the six customers in a virtual real-life situations, because they are circulating in a number of situations and exercises. A short quiz to complement each daily session.

A lot Updated Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription, Fifth Edition, is an important document and the reference to students and professionals to use science. Additions and revisions to the text make it the most valuable and appropriate resources available to professionals.
This book is very informative on the Protocols of the exercise test. After reading this book, I added a new protocol to assess my health club. I think this book aided in setting higher standards in health and fitness settings in my current workplace. Appendix is filled with tons of information, such as photos, sebum site, with values for different activities, such as metabolic formula. A terrible reference to any professional fitness.
T. E. Richardson said that this book is written for professionals and people studying to be professionals. However, it is clearly written and a good resource for someone serious about an introducton to fitness, metabolism and training.

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