30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You

 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You | Physical Fitness Models

Making the Cut: The 30-Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You is written by Jillian Michaels. She is a trainer on NBC's The Biggest Loser.

Jillian pushes to get us in "the best and sexiest body shape of our life." Assuming we are already in fairly decent shape, if we have 20 or less pounds to shed and are willing to make the commitment, Jillian Michaels promises to have readers "feeling comfortable running in a bikini." Determining body fat percentage and taking a "fit test" is par for the course in this sort of book. What separates Jillian Michaels' program is that she bases the diet on whether a person is a "slow oxidizer, balanced oxidizer, or fast oxidizer." The idea is that slow oxidizers require more carbohidrats, while fast oxidizers need higher percentages of protein. Michaels provides three different sets of menus and recipes (she claims that there is sound science behind this, but do not expect to see helpful footnotes quoting clinical studies). The majority of this fitness plan book is list-like and not invigorating to read. A glut of trainer-driven fitness books seem to be hitting stands lately; this one only stands out if you accept her notion of oxidizing.

Jillian goes on to explain that the recipes make up to 10 - 12 servings for the following reasons: Most women do not want to make separate meals for their families. Also, the fitness book allots each reader with and individualized calorie allowance. As some of the recipes are very low calorie, some people doing the plan will require up to 5 servings of each recipe. Last, if we always on the run and finding it difficult to cook every night this fitness book will solve our problem. This way we will have healthy food prepared when you are pressed for time. All that said, she specifically mentions in the fitness book that if we want to make less food we can simply cut the ingredients in half and the meal will still come out perfectly making half the servings.

With regard to the workouts: There are over 100 separate exercises in the fitness book and less then 10 of them require gym equipment. The workouts seem predominantly designed to utilize body weight exercises (no gym required).

The workouts do seem tough, that is for sure. However, we can easily modify the exercises to accomodate our fitness level. Jillian offers over 8 variations of plank exercise, 11 different variations of lunges, 8 variations of push ups, and 8 variations of squats just to name a few. For those that do not have a treadmill accessible she offers up over 10 different types of cardio workout intervals that require no equipment like mountain climbers, butt kicks, squat jacks etc.

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