6 Fitness Tips For Beginner

For you who have not been doing fitness activities at all or a beginner, it's good to follow the 6 fitness tips below first:

1. Warmup: Perform heating from jogging, road sit down and relaxing on the wrist you 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Muscular Strength: After that start doing exercises lift the heavy burden of barbel with a standard, that is 2 to 4 kg, which be 5 minutes.
3. Muscular Endurance: proceed with the push ups, sit ups and pull up each about 5 minutes.
4. Cardio respiratory Endurance: The next step is to do sports activities more use of such pool or badminton.
5. Flexibility: Running slowly for about 10 minutes. This can be done in the complex where you live. Or you can also make a run in with the same duration.
6. Cool Down: Roads around the complex relaxation (more recommended corral gardens) for 15 minutes.

I hope these 6 fitness tips for beginner have helped. Commit to starting your nutrition and fitness program and reap the benefits of physical activity so you will get a body like a fitness model!