Tips on Marine Physical Fitness Test

marine physical fitness
Physical testing is a requirement to become a marine. Why are people willing to take pains to follow marine physical fitness test? Indeed, it is because being a marine is a proud. Despite the high salary gain, a marine also have a high risk also. In addition, it is not easy to pass in the marine physical fitness test.

In order to pass the physical fitness test, we must prepare well. Preparation should be done since high school. Here are some tips that can meet the requirements in the marine physical fitness test.

In order to meet general health quality requirements, you can do these 3 tips:
1. Make a general check-up immediately at the nearest military polyclinic opened to the public, to know, including: blood pressure (120/80 ideal); heart beat (ideally 60-90 per minutes); HB blood (ideal 14-16/gr) ; normal blood sugar; Cholesterol normal; results of lung X-Ray, healthy teeth / does not have pierced; not suffer hemorrhoid / hemorrhoids; not suffer varicocele; not suffering swelling in the vein in the calf back foot; healthy heart, normal eyes; not color-blind etc..
2. Make improvements to it or if there is not ideal by military doctors.
3. For people with varises, can be injected so that the missing varises max 2 weeks before the marine physical fitness test.

Beside health quality, you must also meet physical ability requirement. You can follow these tips:
1. Running 12 minutes should be able to cover a minimum distance of 2470 m or 8 times around the football field (400 m).
2. Push-up must be capable of 30 times repetition / more
3. Must be able to sit up 30 times repetition / more
4. Pull-up should be able to at least 13 times / more
5. Shuttle run 6 × 10 m in 15 seconds

Last but not least, the possibility of opportunities pass the marine physical fitness test is only 1%, it means you have to remove the 100 other applicants, this means you must have high physical ability, not only ordinary physical fitness.