The Men's Health Cover Model Workout

 The Men's Health Cover Model Workout

David Zinczenko, Men's Health magazine editor-in-chief and vice-president said that it is no accident that Owen McKibben has appeared on more Men's Health covers than any other model or that those covers have been the best sellers in the magazine's 15-year history. Owen McKibben's personifies the goals of the Men's Health reader. Not only does he have the best abs in the history of the human species, Owen McKibben is a guy you had want on your team in a pickup basketball game and a guy you had gladly have a beer with afterward. But Owen is more than a nice guy and an accomplished athlete with unbelieveable abs. He is a hard-working family man who has ovecome a surprising amount of adversity. Owen has a lot to teach us about eating right, exercising right, and even living right.

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