Agriculture Produce Farm

Agriculture Produce Farm Marketing Plan

Mixed Greens Salad Gardens

Executive Summary

Mixed Greens Salad Gardens (MG) is a local producer of salad field greens. MG serves both the consumer market, as well as local restaurants. MG will succeed in developing a profitable business through the use of their two competitive advantages, quality and flexibility. MG's pursuit of ultimate quality coupled with the flexibility of a small, local grower will allow it to exploit the opportunity in the current market. Right now in Eugene, Ore., demand outstrips supply when it comes to quality field greens. The local farmers cannot produce enough product to satiate local demand. Every week they sell out of their greens, wishing that they had more to sell.

Heidi Ponic, the founder and owner of Mixed Greens Salad Gardens sees this market opportunity and is prepared to seize it. Heidi's relentless pursuit of quality, combined with her extensive background in horticulture and sheer passion will propel the business into profitability.