Want to live longer? Eat like the women you know. Low-carb approach comes out on top. Trouble losing weight? Avoid these five common mistakes. Four healthy habits can help you extend your life. Hungry? Cut carbs, add protein. Avoiding three common foods will improve your health. Eating salt plus drinking sodas equals obesity. A new tool, Power to Prevent, could help people to avoid the perils of diabetes. Here's how to get back on track for those healthy resolutions you made months ago. Chemicals from avocados kill some cancer cells. Is the invisible fat around vital organs as dangerous as the bulges under your skin? The positive effects that exercise can have on heart health is well-established. Getting back into the game may depend on testosterone changes. Want to eat healthier? Turn off the TV during meals. The majority of people regain all the weight plus more. Students tend to consider larger food portion sizes as typical. Don't think this is an excuse to start a Snickers or Milky Way diet. Heart-damaging trans fats are rapidly disappearing from grocery aisles and restaurant foods. But are its replacements really any healthier? Neurologists are increasingly training beauticians and barbers how to teach their clients about stroke, cancer, and other diseases. A study of very active women shows encouraging results for young women athletes.
Fitness Tips
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