Fantastic Water Workouts

Fantastic Water Workouts

Debbie Blankenship think this is one of the best fitness books out there on water exercises. Debbie Blankenship was not disappointed in it as he have been with other water workout books. Fantastic Water Workouts has clear instructions and easy to follow and do workouts plus all the great illustrations makes it fun to get a good wokout. If you find motivation, this book offers it. In addition to these great exercises, Fantastic Water Workouts has a section on Persoanl Fitness Profile, Your Fitness Personality, Setting your Fitness Goals and a Fitness Action Plan to see what level of fitness you are currently at and what kind of fitness level you would like to be at. It offers tips and challenges for all levels of fitness including Managing Diabetes, Arthritis, Older Adults, Pregnancy, types of injuries and warmups and lots more! If you are looking for a water workout book that is going to sit on your shelf, then this is not the book for you. But, if you are looking for a book that not only helps you identify your fitness purposes but helps you reach them, then this is the book for you. Check it out. You will very satisfied.

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