Push Up Exercises Tips

Push Up Exercises

Basic Push Ups: Lie horizontal on the ground with your hands placed slightly wider than your shoulder width. Keeping your body straight, lower yourself to the ground by bending your arms at the elbows. Then slowly lift your body off the ground by stretching your arms and repeat the procedure.


Incline Push Ups: In case you are finding it difficult to do the basic pull up, start by doing push ups against a wall, table or chair. Stand a few feet away from the object and use the basic pull up method to lower yourself until your elbows are 90 degrees and then lift back up. Keep your core muscles tight while doing the exercise.

Decline Push Ups: This push up exercise is performed with the feet raised up on a chair or any elevated surface. Place your hands shoulder width apart with the fingers pointing forwards and then keeping your body straight, lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Pause for a few seconds and then move back up.

Bent Knee Push Ups: As the name suggests, this push up exercise is performed on the knees rather on the toes. However, the steps to be followed are similar to the basic pull up exercise and ensure that you keep your knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line while performing this exercise.

Diamond Push Ups: This push up exercise is performed by keeping your hands closed together in such a way that the index fingers and thumb of one hand touches the respective fingers of the other hand, forming a diamond shape. The push ups are with your hands touching the center of your chest and elbows near your sides.

Medicine Ball Push Ups: This exercise increases shoulder stability by moving the shoulders in a slightly different range of motion. All you have to do is to perform basic push ups by keeping one hand on top of a medicine ball