Romantic Tips

Friendship outlasts lust

Sleep together and you’re lovers. Friendship takes a little longer. But, it also lasts longer.

Scientists have proven that lust doesn’t last. It’s an intoxicating effect at the start of your romance, but it isn’t going to keep you going ’til the Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Yoko Ono and John Lennon aside, eventually, you will have to get out of bed and enjoy each other’s company WITH your clothes on.

Yikes! But, that’s where the friendship starts. No friendship = no real long-term prospect for your romance/ relationship. And, guess what? You have to work a friendship; it doesn’t just happen because you happen to be shagging!

Friendship gets easier over time. At the start, you’ll have little in the way of shared experiences, memories, victories or defeats. So, initially, you just have to focus on being there for her. And, on spending quality time together. And, that means getting out of bed!

It’s this simple:

Time together = shared experiences = memories/ things in common and closeness.

Now get your clothes on!