Successful Dating

How Teens Can Be More Successful At Dating

If you are a teenager and have trouble dating, this guide is for you. These tips will surely help you survive in the dating world. Based on personal experiences of my own, and after talking to a large variety of teenagers on a daily basis, I have compiled this guide to help others who might have at one time, found themselves in many of the same positions I did. Don’t expect this guide to make you a master at finding many dates with ease; it will still take work on your part. We will be touching on some very important issues that many teens face in the dating world. Let’s get started!

One of the most popular questions I often get is what do I do if I like someone, but they don’t like me back? There is no magical button you can press that will make someone love you, it has to happen all by itself. If you are in a position like this it can be difficult to deal with. We’ve all been there, you have a big crush on someone and they don’t even know you are there. But thinking about something you can’t change will only drain your energy even more and will make finding that special someone that much harder.

The first step is to acknowledge that all of that pain that you are feeling right now will always go away eventually, especially after you find someone you truly loves you for who you really are. You might even look back and laugh at that pain you felt when you realize that the person who loves you was just waiting to find you! There’s no use getting worked up over things you can’t change, because when things progress naturally at their own pace, the magic truly unfolds.

We all go through the teenager phase, where emotions run high and lead to jealousy towards others. But this isn’t essentially something bad. If you are in a relationship, and your significant other is checking out other people, don’t jump to conclusions and think you have to end the relationship. You do have a right to be annoyed, however first you must make your concerns clear. Communication is one of the most important things.

If you are hit by the jealousy bug, that’s fine. We’ve all been there; but it’s irrational jealousy that hurts us which is very different. This can lead to paranoia and constant worrying over whether not your partner is cheating. Although we all worry about these kinds of things in relationships, letting it rule your life is very unhealthy and can wreck the entire relationship itself. Ask yourself whether the jealousy you feel is justified or not.

At first, we may not know if we are in love or not. Another popular question I get from teens is when they ask, “How can I tell if I am in love or not?” I always respond by saying, you will know when it happens. You can feel it. It is the most straightforward answer of all because it is a feeling like no other. Obsession isn’t love. If someone is on your mind all the time, you don’t necessary have to be in love with them.

Lust is also compared to love but is not nearly as meaningful. Many of us have felt very strongly towards someone. You see them as being beautiful and attractive. Combining this lust with obsession can trap many people and will usually lead to an unfulfilling relationship.

This next issue is something many teens ask me how to deal with and I always give them this tip. A big problem regarding the love lives of teens is parents. Old fashioned parents often believe their younger teens shouldn’t date and will disapprove of current boyfriends or girlfriends. An important step to dealing with this problem is to be on good terms with parents. Otherwise it will be that much harder to deal with the issue.

When the day is over, parents have your back. Although it may not seem like it, they’ve faced all the same problems you’ve dealt with. They’ve been in your shoes and have a lot more experience to draw knowledge from. Just like how relationships with your boyfriend or girlfriend thrive on communication, so does your relationship with your parents. It is important to never forget that. If you hide your actions from them and keep quiet, it will only lead to more heart-ache in the long run.